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The inception of e-GP System in Sri Lanka

The initial concept for the introduction of the Electronic Government Procurement System (e-GP) into public procurement system in Sri Lanka was presented to the Cabinet of Ministers by Cabinet Memorandum No. 17/2459/719/087 on 27 October 2017. Consequently, a Working Group consisting of relevant professionals was appointed and the Cabinet of Ministers approved the implementation of the recommendations of the Working Group in December 2017.

e-GP Secretariat was established under the Ministry of Finance and the e-GP System development and implementation was initiated under e-GP Secretariat and a contract for developing the e-GP System was awarded in November 2019.

There are three phases in the total system implementation as follows:

Phase 1: Development of e-GP Software consisting of software modules for Registration of Venders and Procuring Entities, Procurement Planning, Publication of Invitations, Bidding, Closing and Opening of Bids, Evaluation of Bids and Awarding, to cover all government procurement methods.

Phase 2: Development of Contract Management module and e-Learning Module.

Phase 3: Maintenance of the e-GP System