Incorporating ICT into Public Procurement Process for Socio-economic Development of the Country
About the e-GP System
Integrating ICT into Public Procurement Process
Steering Committee
The members appointed to the Steering Committee by the Cabinet of Ministers
Why e-GP?
To simplify the procurement activities of the government, using ICT
How to use the System
Procuring entities and vendors are required to register with the systems for procurements and trade
Registration of Vendors
Vendors, contractors, and consultants can register with the system as suppliers, contractors, and consultants, disregard of geographical boundaries
Registration of Procuring Entities
Any public sector institution carry out procurement activities is required to register with the system
Registered Vendors
6374 vendors have already registered and 4116 vendors have been confirmed with the system for e-GP
Registered Procuring Entities
842 procuring entities have already registered and 629 procuring entities have been confirmed with the system for e-GP
Types of Procurements
Types of procurements available through this system
Indicative Functional Specifications
Functional Specifications of commonly used goods compiled by a panel of experts are listed
Standard Bidding Documents
Standard Bidding Documents for various procurements of goods, works, and consultancies are listed
Procurement Planning
All the procuring entities shall prepare & upload procurement plans